We are amidst a worldwide pandemic. People know very less about COVID-19 and scientists are yet to confirm any solid Dos and don’ts. Thus it is causing the spread of panic and false knowledge everywhere.

Every second person you will meet will have one or the other suggestion on how to avoid getting the CORONA virus. But, do all the tips and tricks that are being told are practical? My answer is a big NO.

Most of the information that is coming from non-government or non-health organizations is fake.

Our article COVID-19 Demystified aims to check out some of the myths that are being spread in the name of the Coronavirus.

COVID-19 demystified

COVID-19 demystified: 10 myths that you might believe to be true

1. Taking Hydroxychloroquine tablets will save you from the Corona Virus.

Well according to WebMD.com, hydroxychloroquine is primarily used in the treatment of malaria. Other uses of this medicine are in the treatment of skin-related and certain auto-immune diseases.

The WebMD clearly states, “Hydroxychloroquine is not recommended for Corona Virus infections (like COVID-19).

2. Ayurveda or other herbal medicines can cure coronavirus.

Many companies claim to have “found medicines/supplements which are effective in fighting against coronavirus”.

Well if you read the above line again, the statement is nothing but a definition of an immunity booster.

Till now there are multiple claims but no scientific backing on any of these claims. Thus the verdict is, there is no medicine in Ayurveda, Homeopathy, or any other herbal alternative that can cure coronavirus.

3.  Consumption of Vitamin C will prevent COVID-19

Vitamin C is basically used by many people to improve their immunity. It is an antioxidant that reduces the risk of tissue damages and helps our body to synthesize hormones that can fight against pathogens.
Although it is suggested to take Vitamin C there is no scientific proof stating that vitamin C can prevent COVID-19.

4.  Only Old people are affected by Coronavirus.

Well, this is a myth that only old people are being affected by the virus.

People of all age groups can come in contact with the coronavirus, however, there are high chances that the people of younger age can fight the virus without any complications. Whereas people of older age are having other problems like diabetes, blood pressure, etc. must be more careful towards their health.

Please do not mistreat the old people out of fear of COVID-19. They need your love now more than ever.

5. COVID-19 can only be spread in humid regions.

This myth has already been proven wrong, as now COVID-19 has spread worldwide. However, there are some people who still believe as they are living in a hot climate area, they are at low risk. My word to them, they couldn’t be more wrong. and their claim has no scientific basis.

6. Eating meat can cause coronavirus

The myth took birth due to a generic suggestion by the people to avoid consuming meat during the COVID-19 lockdown as there was a shortage of fresh meat supply and sellers were left with mostly old and stale meat.

This has no link with the spread of coronavirus.

7. Pets can cause Coronavirus

Well, there are multiple cases where house dogs or cats were found to be corona positive because their owner were positive. Thus, this led to the spread of this Myth that pets can spread coronavirus.
However, as per WHO, COVID-19 spreads by the droplets produced by the infected person when they speak, cough, or sneeze. Also, there is no such case where a pet has infected its owners.
Do not disown/abandon your pets out of fear from corona virus. They are like your children, keep them safe and love them as much as you can.

8. 10-minute rule to catch COVID-19

There are some people who believe that it takes 10 minutes or more for a person to get coronavirus if they come in contact with an infected person.
This is not true and it is false news that is spread worldwide. There is no study to support this claim. One may get corona virus even if they came in contact with an infected person for just a few minutes.

9. COVID-19 can spread through mosquito bites.

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease. The only known way of transmission of COVID-19 is via air-bone droplets(saliva or nose discharge) produced by the infected person while he speaks, cough, or sneeze.

It is not spread by mosquito bites.

10. COVID-19 is a killer disease

This statement is not true.

According to WHO, approximately 80% of the population infected by COVID-19 have mild flu-like symptoms like sore throat, weakness, tiredness, and shortness of breath. They might not even need to visit a hospital or take any kind of treatment for it.

Hope the above list might have demystified some of the false information that people are believing these days. My request is, do not believe in everything you hear, see, or read unless it is backed with proper validation from WHO.

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