Here are the guidelines for Guest Posts:

1. Content Relevance

Photography Focus: Content should be centered around photography, travel or products, related to travel or photography. Content may include travel info, photography/travel tips and techniques, equipment/software reviews, or post-processing tutorials. Off-topic posts are also welcome, subject to our liking of the post submitted.
Target Audience: Our audience consists of photography enthusiasts and travelers. Content should be educational, inspiring, and engaging for this demographic.

2. Originality and Quality

Original Content: All submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. Plagiarism or duplicate content will not be accepted.
High-Quality Writing: Posts should be well-written, free of grammatical errors, and structured clearly. We value informative, engaging, and easy-to-read content.
Word Count: Posts should be between 1,000 to 2,000 words.

3. Visual Content

Photographs: Include high-quality images relevant to the topic. Ensure images are original or have proper attribution if sourced elsewhere.
Image Format: Submit images in JPEG or PNG format. Images should be at least 1200 pixels wide.
Captions: Provide captions for each image, including location details if relevant.

4. SEO Best Practices

Keywords: Use relevant keywords naturally throughout the post. We encourage the use of long-tail keywords related to photography and travel.
Meta Description: Provide a meta description (150-160 characters) summarizing the article.
Internal Links: Where appropriate, link to existing content on our website.
External Links: You may include up to two relevant, non-promotional external links. Links should enhance the content and not appear spammy.

5. Submission Process

Pitch First: Please send us a read-only draft before submitting a full article.
Submission Format: Submit your article as a Google Doc or Word document. Include any images as separate attachments or within a shared folder.
Author Bio: If the author wants to be named, Include a brief author bio (50-100 words) with your submission. You may include a link to your website or social media profiles.

6. Editorial Review

Review Process: We will review your submission for relevance, quality, and adherence to guidelines. We may suggest edits or request additional information.
Response Time: We aim to respond to submissions within 2 weeks. If accepted, your post will be scheduled for publication based on our content calendar, which you will be informed of via e-mail.
Rights: By submitting a guest post, you agree to grant us the rights to edit and use the content on our website. You retain ownership and may republish the content after 30 days with a link to our site’s original post.

7. Compensation

Backlinks, freebies (trial products, subscriptions, travel coupons, etc), exposure to a new audience, and friendly interactions with aspiring bloggers around the world as our compensation. Contact Us at for detailed price packages.

Submit Your Article: Send your submission to
Questions: If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, feel free to reach out at